16+ Services
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16+ Services

Young People who take up a placement within React Havens’ 16+ Accommodation and Support service will live a positive and supportive environment which will enable them to develop the key independent living skills as they transition towards independence.
Although we provide different accommodation options to placing Local Authorities and young people this will not change the quality of support staff will always provide to young people in order to help them achieve their goals, develop skills and ultimately build resilience for independent living.
All React Havens houses are maintained to a high standard and monthly inspections are undertaken by Regional Managers in line with our Other Arrangements Policy and to the same criteria of Ofsted standards and ratings.
React Havens
is committed
to ensuring that
of young people placed in React Havens accommodation will undertake an independent living assessment.
of young people will have a dedicated support worker. 80% of individuals within React Havens accommodation will be assisted to access volunteering and mentoring opportunities.
of individuals will complete three or more accredited and certificated independent living modules whilst in the accommodation.
of young people will be supported into employment, training or education.
of individuals will be supported to access sustainable and appropriate move on accommodation.
of young people will be assisted to maintain and retain family ties.
The percentages shown above are not simply plucked from the air or wishful thinking, they have been arrived at after correlating actual results and represent worst-case values. React Havens has a skilled management and staff team with over 30 years experience who come from a range of professional backgrounds which includes; probation, prison, social work, safeguarding, homelessness, refugees and asylum seekers. We have extensive background and knowledge in the rights, care, education and welfare of children, young people and their families.