Our Approach To Support

Just wanted to pass on some very positive feedback from a social worker about the service. I’ve been told that the service delivers good outcomes for complex young people and understands the difficulties of transitioning from childhood to adulthood.

React Havens provides support to Care Leavers which is person centred, outcome focused and highly flexible both inside or outside the home in which they have been placed by their Local Authority. The support is delivered by skilled, experienced and motivated staff who undertake regular in-house training to ensure they are compliant with the latest industry standards.

We provide a variety of support options to the placing Local Authorities for their young people, which can include group living, solo units and rural placements that can be staffed 1:1 / 2:1 in the following settings.

  • Emergency placements – Local Authorities will need to arrange a placement for those young people with us in an emergency; this could be because the existing placement has broken down, or because of some other crisis situation. React Havens will strive to provide emergency placements when appropriate and reasonable and in the best interest of the young person.
  • Short term placements – Episodes of support indeterminate in nature and of time limited duration. As an example this would encompass supporting a young person through the course of care proceedings, a period of voluntary admission into care or as part of a process with older adolescents of moving to independence.
  • Long-term support – An accommodation and support placement that will provide permanence for a young person with the React Havens committing to support the young person on a long term basis through to aged 18.